Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zina/ Adultery Part 2

One of the Companions of the Holy Prophet PBUH is reported to have said, "Save yourself from Adulter, there are 6 evils in it. 3 in this world and 3 in the hereafter:
===> 3 Evils of this world are:
1. Blessings are taken away from his livelihood;
2. An adulteerer is deprivedof goodness; and
3. The normal man despises and curses him.
===> 3 Evils of the hereafter are:
1. He angers Allah SWT severely and he who angers Allah SWT, where will he be able to dwell in peace;
2. Because of adultery he will be trialled severely on the resurrecton day; and
3. An adulterer will be entered into hell.
(Taken from Tanbeeh ul Ghafileen page 237, in case any mistake in the translation kindly do tell me as im nothing but to err.)

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