Monday, June 30, 2008

Fatwa On Colored Contact Lenses

As-Salamu `alaykum wa Ramatullah wa Barakatuh! Dear scholars, what does Islam say on wearing colored contact lenses, especially for women? Is it haram?

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear sister in Islam, we would like to thank you for showing keenness on knowing the teachings of Islam, and we appreciate the great confidence you have in us. We hope our efforts meet your expectations.

As regards your question, we'd like to cite for you the fatwa issued by Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr, former head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee:

"I think that when men use contact lenses, they use them primarily to cure their sore eyesight. Such form of use both for curing long-sightedness and short-sightedness is purely for a medical purpose. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in using contact lenses in this case because they here resemble normal eye glasses. What applies to men, according to the previous ruling, applies also to women.

However, if women use those contact lenses for the purpose of exposing beauty, drawing men's attention and causing temptation, there is no doubt that such thing is strictly prohibited.

Here, we would like to refer to an important point, relating to the common habit noticed in some girls wearing colorful contact lenses and choosing the green in particular for the purpose of attraction, and physical appearance. So the ruling on this is based on the purpose and intention. If the aim behind wearing such contact lenses is to cause sedition and obtain gains out of deception, then there is no doubt that wearing such lenses in this case is forbidden."

Shedding more light on this issue, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, Imam and religious director at both the Islamic center of Toronto (Jami mosque) and the Islamic foundation of Toronto, and instructor at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, says:

"The Shari`ah has come to observe three categories of people's interests (Masalih), namely Daroriyyat (necessities), Hajiyyat (complementary), and Tahsiniyyat (embellishments). In all of its rulings the Shari`ah aims at the realization of one or the other of these Masalih.

As far as the issue of women wearing colored contacts is concerned, I would like to raise this question: under which category of the foregoing interests can we put this act? I cannot say it is Daroriyyat, nor Hajiyyat, or Tahsiniyyat because I wonder why do women think they should do that?

Further, some of these modern cosmetics aim at changing Allah's creation in some forms like changing the color of the eye. Allah has given each woman a beauty that she can adorn herself and beautify for her husband without going to the extreme and doing something which might be considered repugnant according to the Shari`ah.

I do not say wearing colored contacts is haram since there is no certain operation to be undergone with a view to changing the color of the eyes forever. But I would say it is a kind of excessive beautification which is not recommended in Islam. Islam, as a religion that is based on moderation, does not approve of going to the extreme in anything.

However, if such kind of lenses are used for medical purpose and for the sake of treating sickness in the eyes, then it is a necessity which is given exception in Islam."

Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajid, a prominent Saudi lecturer and author, adds:

"There are two types of contact lenses:

1- Ophthalmic contact lenses: Those that are used to correct sight defects. There is nothing wrong with using this kind of contact lenses on the advice of a specialist oculist.

2- Colored cosmetic contact lenses: These come under the rulings on adornment. If a woman wears them for her husband, there is nothing wrong with it. If she wears them for other to see her, then it should not cause any fitnah or temptation. There is also the condition that they should not cause any harm, and there should be no element of cheating or deceiving, such as a woman wearing them when she meets the man who is proposing marriage to her."


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Zina/Adultery - Part 1

Allâh Ta'âla says:
"And do not go near zina. It is indeed a shameful and an evil path." (Surah Al Isrâ', Ayah 32)

Allâh Ta'âla says:
"The woman and the man guilty of fornication - lash each of them with a hundred lashes. Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last day and let a group of believers witness their punishment". (Surah Al-Nûr, Ayah 2)

Rasûlullah (Peace be upon him) said: "…adultery of the eyes is when it looks at that which is Harâm; adultery of the ears is when it listens to that which is Harâm; adultery of the tongue is when it utters Harâm; adultery of the hands is when it touches Harâm; adultery of the feet is when it walks towards Harâm; adultery of the heart is when it desires and hopes for that which is Harâm; adultery of the private parts is when it succumbs to that which is Harâm." (Targhib wa Tarhîb)

From the above Hadîth it is clear and apparent that Islam forbids not only the act of adultery but all acts that invite and encourage the act of zina. Islam shuts the door to the root of every evil.

Nabî said: "There are three such people with whom Allâh Ta'âla will not speak to (with words of mercy and kindness) nor will Allâh Ta'âla look at them (with eyes of mercy) nor will Allâh Ta'ala purify them, and for them is a painful punishment:

An old person who commits zina.
A king or leader who is exceptionally deceptive (he lies a lot).
A needy person who is proud." (Muslim)

Once Nabî remarked, "A dayyûth [cuckold] will never enter Jannah." The Sahâba enquired, "Who is a Dayyûth?" Nabî replied, "A man who is not bothered about who visits his wife." (Sunnats)

May Allah Guide us all from all that unpleases Him == Allahumma aameen
La Tans min al dua
wa JAzak Allah khairan wa ahsanul jaza

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Deodorant - HAlal or Haram


if a deodrant has alchohol are we allowed to use it because i was told that alchohol used in deodrants is different from normal alchohol because it is made in labs in a different way.


Bismihi Ta'aalaa
The general rule on the use of alcohol based perfumes/deodrants, etc is that if the alcohol has been extracted from grapes or dates their use will be forbidden since this is Najis (impure) and will thus make the body and clothes impure.

Further, it is mentioned in Muslim Food Guide (1420/200 edition) that Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is also impermissible as it is generated from the fermentation of sugars from cane, forming the intoxicating element of all fermented liquors. (A-20)

If the deodrants/perfume is made from synthetic/chemical alcohol, extracted and manufactured from items besides grapes or dates, then the use of such products is permissible.

Hazrat Mufti M. Taqi Usmani Saheb, (A leading contemporary scholar of Pakistan) writes in his commentary of Sahih Muslim, "The majority of alcohol used in medication and perfumes is not manufactured from grapes and dates, it is extracted from grains, peels or petroleum etc." (Takmilah Fathul-Mulhim Vol. 3 Page. 608)

Before using such products, it is advisable from the Shar'ee point of view to check with the manufacturers on the type of alcohol used. (i.e. whether natural or synthetic based).

Allah SWT Knows Best.

(Mufti) Abdullah Patel
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Friday, June 6, 2008

Photos and videos - Islamic Ruling

Assalam alaikum wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhum

Photos and Videos
By Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q.) I have always heard that taking photos and having the photos taken using a camera is not allowed in Islam. The Hadith (Allahu Alam) which is quoted more or less means that sketching pictures of a living object (most commonly a human being) is prohibited in Islam. This hadith is about sketching pictures with a person's hand.
What is the ruling for using a camera for doing this? Is it the same? If yes, please enlighten us according to Qur'an, Sunnah and Fiqh.
What if the photos of children only are taken (when they are mehram for all) and anyone can see their photos. According to one opinion, photography is prohibited because there is a possibility that a non-mehram can see that picture. Is it prohibited for all to take and see the photos regardless of being mehram or non-mehram?
What is the ruling according to Fiqh about movie making? It is a common practice now to relay Salat from Makkah Mukarammah during Ramadan in which Imam-e-Kaaba and the Namazis are shown during the prayers. As another example, our ulema and religious people also present various programs on television (TV) during Ramadan or otherwise, and have their movie made. Our religious scholars are always reluctant and avoid to have their photos taken, but isn't getting the programs recorded for TV the same as having the photos taken? [Talib Hidaya]

A.) Picture frames and photographs of animate objects are not permissible to display. Frames having pictures of inanimate objects e.g. trees, mountains, etc. are permissible.
Sayyidna Abu Talha, Radi-Allahu anhu, narrates that Nabi, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "Angels (of mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture." (Mishkat vol. 2 p.385)
Abdullah ibn Masood, Radi-Allahu anhu, narrates that Rasulullah, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "The people with the most severe punishment by Allah will be the picture makers." (Ibid).
Sayyidna Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates, "I heard the messenger of Allah saying, 'Every picture-maker will be in the fire. A life will be created for every picture the picture-maker made, and he will be tortured in Hell.'"
If you have to make pictures (says Ibn Abbaas) then make a picture of a tree or such things which are inanimate.' (Bukhari and Muslim)
However, if the frames are of inanimate objects but containing verses of the Noble Qur'an, Hadith and names of Allah Taala then extreme caution must be taken where these frames are hung. If hung at home in the lounge or sitting room then due respect should be shown by not using vulgar language or smoking there. And Allah Taala Knows Best.


Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK.

Question :

i have heard that keeping pictures in the house is haraam. 1) i have told some members of my family about this and they do not want to get rid of family photos especially of deceased. 2) we have newspapers in the house but they get recycled and thrown away anyway so would i have to delete the photos on the newspapers after purchasing then?because i feel like it would be just a waste of time.



Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

1) One must get rid of living pictures of the deceased etc. This ruling applies on all pictures of living objects whether they are alive or deceased.

In Surah Al-Anbiya 21:51-54, Allah Ta'ala says:

"And indeed We bestowed afore time on Ibrahim (Abraham) his (portion of) guidance, and We were Well-Acquainted with him (as to his Belief in the Oneness of Allah, etc.). When he said to his father and his people: "What are these images, to which you are devoted?"
They said:"We found our fathers worshipping them."
He said: "Indeed you and your fathers have been in manifest error."

Narrated Aisha (RA):

When the Prophet became ill, some of his wives talked about a church which they had seen in Ethiopia and it was called Mariya. Um Salma and Um Habiba had been to Ethiopia, and both of them narrated its (the Church's) beauty and the pictures it contained. The Prophet raised his head and said, "Those are the people who, whenever a pious man dies amongst them, make a place of worship at his grave and then they make those pictures in it. Those are the worst creatures in the Sight of Allah." (Bukhari 2.425)

Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA):

Abul Hayyaj al-Asadi told that Ali ibn Abu Talib said to him: Should I not send you on the same mission as Allah's Messenger sent me? Do not leave an image without obliterating it, or a high grave without levelling it. This Hadith has been reported by Habib with the same chain of transmitters and he said: (do not leave) a picture without obliterating it. (Muslim)

Why should pictures not be kept:

It opens the door of idol worship. That is, it will turn into a common custom. There are different level of understanding among the masses so, there is always the possibility of mischief and misuse as indeed, had happened earlier. Those who made icons did not themselves worship them but cast them to keep alive the memory of righteous elders and saints. Finally, it led to idol worship. Therefore, to keep pictures is unlawful even from an angle of reasoning and intelligence. (The wisdom behind the commands of Islam Pg. 350)

It should be remembered that, true memories of a Muslim relative or friend reside in the heart, and One must remember them by praying for mercy and forgiveness for them.

However, if one has kept the picture of their deceased, they will not have any difficulties in the grave. Insha Allah.

2) Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said that, 'The Malaaikah (angels) do not enter into those homes wherein there are dogs and pictures (of animate objects).' [Reported by Imam al-Bukhari and Muslim ].

This Hadith means that such an action constitutes violation and disobedience to Divine Orders. The presence of Angels manifests Allah's Mercy. So, the house in which there is no Mercy of Allah, is not good.

Also, In the light of the above Hadith, we understand that animate pictures should not be kept in the house. Hence, newspapers and magazines should be removed from the house after being used.

However, if one cannot remove it after use, it should then be covered with something or place it in the cabinet draw or something similar.

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.