Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Zina/Adultery - Part 1

Allâh Ta'âla says:
"And do not go near zina. It is indeed a shameful and an evil path." (Surah Al Isrâ', Ayah 32)

Allâh Ta'âla says:
"The woman and the man guilty of fornication - lash each of them with a hundred lashes. Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last day and let a group of believers witness their punishment". (Surah Al-Nûr, Ayah 2)

Rasûlullah (Peace be upon him) said: "…adultery of the eyes is when it looks at that which is Harâm; adultery of the ears is when it listens to that which is Harâm; adultery of the tongue is when it utters Harâm; adultery of the hands is when it touches Harâm; adultery of the feet is when it walks towards Harâm; adultery of the heart is when it desires and hopes for that which is Harâm; adultery of the private parts is when it succumbs to that which is Harâm." (Targhib wa Tarhîb)

From the above Hadîth it is clear and apparent that Islam forbids not only the act of adultery but all acts that invite and encourage the act of zina. Islam shuts the door to the root of every evil.

Nabî said: "There are three such people with whom Allâh Ta'âla will not speak to (with words of mercy and kindness) nor will Allâh Ta'âla look at them (with eyes of mercy) nor will Allâh Ta'ala purify them, and for them is a painful punishment:

An old person who commits zina.
A king or leader who is exceptionally deceptive (he lies a lot).
A needy person who is proud." (Muslim)

Once Nabî remarked, "A dayyûth [cuckold] will never enter Jannah." The Sahâba enquired, "Who is a Dayyûth?" Nabî replied, "A man who is not bothered about who visits his wife." (Sunnats)

May Allah Guide us all from all that unpleases Him == Allahumma aameen
La Tans min al dua
wa JAzak Allah khairan wa ahsanul jaza

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